The Road to Terry - 016 - I'm Worried We Won't Beat COVID

Everyday I hear about someone living life like things are normal during COVID. I’m guilty of it. I took it seriously out in public, but I didn’t really put up walls around family.


I didn’t do it for them. I should have. Maybe for some people it’s real. Maybe for others it’s not. Near me I hear about a new person contracting the virus almost everyday. Students, family, & friends. If cases look like the chart below, why aren’t we doing more to get out of this situation?

New COVID cases in Washington State.

New COVID cases in Washington State.

Here’s the play by play of what happened.

Here’s the play by play of what happened.

There is more that we can do besides waiting for a vaccine. People complain about not being able to recover the economy or get back to work, yet the best way to do that is to quarantine for a while. CDC recommends about 10-14 days, but longer would be better.

I’d say a month or more. 2 weeks just in case the virus is incubating, and 2 weeks to get over it. 1-2 months of quarantine just to get your regular life back seems minimal to me. That means EVERYONE would have to participate. Then everyone would have to wear masks in public for a few months afterward.

Instead of doing that, we are hoping for a vaccine. We’re going to parties and bars. We’re socializing like normal. It’s clear to me that few people understand. Especially because people want a normal Thanksgiving under these circumstances. I get it…you miss your family…but one day could harm your family for the remainder of your life. I risked getting my grandmother sick…I’m not proud of that.

There’s a video below that shows that just talking in a room of people with COVID (which 40-45% of people carry) will potentially spread all over that turkey while people are eating. Warning it’s gross…hopefully gross enough to teach you how this virus spreads.

Somethings were never meant to be seen at 1000fps in 4K. I'd include this subject as one of them. Gav coughs, sneezes and talks in ultra backlit slow motion ...