WordPlay T. Jay

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The music business: Is it worth it? Can you work it?

Making it in the music industry is a difficult task, and WordPlay T. Jay is considering some of the characteristics an artist may need to rise above the grind and hit it big.

It’s an uphill battle to be profitable in music, which may lead some to wonder if they should continue trying or go another route to make money. So, what determines the fate of indie musicians? T. Jay has four main areas where artists should focus to find success.

1. Quality of music

Not everyone will make it in music, and that’s OK. This means the market is healthy and people are able to choose what they like and what they don’t.

To that effect, the people that do make it have an ability to create music that resonates and relates to people.

The is also a back-and-forth with the artistic side of music and the commerce side of music.

The more you can tap into the business and consumer-minded side, the more you can tailor your artistry to fit the wants of the audience.

You can use elements of that relationship to build something unique to yourself. And, ultimately, you have to hone in on that craft and be consistent.

2. Willingness to stay consistent

Consistency in work is a big factor in success. There is no magic pill to make it in any industry, and it takes hard work and repetition to become a household name.

Breakout celebrities in all artistic ventures find success with consistency. Consider Russ putting out new songs every week, or the countless number of books Stephen King has published to become a household name, or the YouTubers like Casey Neistat putting out weekly videos and finding an audience.

T. Jay’s channel is an example of how consistency can lead to growth, as he just celebrated is 10,000th follower.

3. Work ethic and ambition

To find success in any venture, you have to work at it.

You can’t be lazy and put out one song and expect to blow up overnight.

The harder you work, the more likely you will be to find one of those hits or continue to build an audience and a following.

4. Ability to diversify and hustle

There are seven streams of income possible in the U.S., and diversifying as much as possible to earn as much as possible will contribute to financial success.

Focus on your craft and diversify to build as many income streams as possible.

If you need help planning something like this, WordPlay T. Jay is available for consultations and will help you come up with ways to increase your revenues as an artist.

For more on making it in the industry, check out his video below!