Spotify adds canvas for all

Spotify has rolled out a new feature for all artists called “canvas,” and WordPlay T. Jay is showing artists how to take advantage of the addition.

A “canvas” is a video or photo that plays or is shown when someone is listening to an artist’s song — a visual companion that can boost engagement and attract fans.

Specifications include:

• Must be a 9:16 ratio

• Must be at least 720 pixels

• Must be 3-8 seconds long

• Must be an MP4 or JPG

You also have to follow all legal compliance, such as ownership of the video or image; it must be appropriate for Spotify, so no vulgar imagery; and it may not be used for promotions, like giveaways or contests.

To create a “canvas” you can use free editing software like iMovie, or professional video editing software.

To add a “canvas” to a song on a computer, you have to go to your artist page, go to music, then click the song you wish to add it to. There is an “add canvas” button. When clicked, it pops up a box to drag and drop the canvas in, then you have to agree to the terms and conditions, then post.

On mobile, open the Spotify for Artists app, go to your profile, pick the song, then click the box next to the title and add the canvas from your camera roll. Again, you have to agree to terms and post.

T. Jay has updated his E-Book, "4 Ps to Starting Your Indie Music Career,” to include this information, and the book also has tons of other helpful info for growing your music business.

For more about Spotify’s new feature, check out the video below!