Spread the words around: How to get lyrics on Apple Music, Google, Insta and more

After getting lyrics up on Genius, you may decide that you want them to be in more places, like Apple Music, Google Searches, Instagram stories and more.
To do that, WordPlay T. Jay recommends going through your distributor site, DistroKid, CDBaby or TuneCore. Each of these sites has a process to allow you to upload lyrics and submit them to other locations.
You have to specify between clean and dirty versions, and when you upload the plain lyrics, there is a list of rules you have to follow.
Some of those rules are:
• Do not input vocalists’ names
• Do not input extra text
• Repeated lines must be written out
• Begin each line with a capital letter
• Do not use any punctuation at the end of a line
• Avoid excessively long lines
More rules can be found on each site, and Musixmatch and Apple also have longer, more specific sets of guidelines you can find and follow.
Once you have your plain text entered, you will have to wait for them to be accepted, then you can add synced lyrics.
For how to do that, there will be a part 2 for this article, so stay tuned and check out the video below to see how to add lyrics using DistroKid.