WordPlay T. Jay

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The Road to Terry - 019 - The Challenge of Writing an Album

Giving credit to the listener is important. I believe every listener takes the time to think about the album they are consuming. The reality is our society isn’t built that way. People’s listening habits have been mostly about the single due to the technology we listen on. In most cases, you had to get the album in order to get the single. When Napster came around that ended. Now you just find the songs you like, and you listen to them.

As much as I love albums, I listen to singles primarily. I prefer this to listening to a full album today. This is why it’s so hard to convince myself that I should write an album.


I need a middle ground. I can write an album when there’s enough attention for me to put one out. What people don’t know is that no album will be successful if you don’t invest 10s of thousands in the rollout. That’s not definitely, but it’s true in most cases. I can make a single every month or every week for the cost of a little time, a lot of effort, and about $50 per month. Promoting and sharing it is free. If I don’t get a record that goes viral, then I won’t put effort into writing an album. This has been my thesis and my failure for the past 4 years.

My plan is to release as much as I possibly can until there’s something that the world pays attention to. My impatience has been the problem with this plan. I get excited about the records I make, and then want to join them into a collection. I did this with Job Application, Orientation Day, & Overtime. The reality is I’ve come very close, but just scratched the surface. My music is being heard in more than 70 countries right now. I’m pretty close to breaking the door wide open. I just have to continue with the plan I set in place 4 years ago.

I know my closest supporters will listen to my album. That’s what matters most, but there’s something more out there. It’s not better, but there are way more people just like them. I’m looking for them so the tribe is complete. When that tribe is in place…I’ll drop terry.